Thursday, 16 November 2017


Zaituni explained about password manager and how it can helps to secure  password, and reuse one password for many accounts and how to create strong password.
Zaituni facilitated about Mobile Safety:  She explained mobile rules and advantages and disadvantages of using smart phone and dump phone.
Some of Participants during reflection about day one before we started day 2 agenda.
Group photo with some participants with banners of different agenda of our workshop.

Recently Zaina Foundation hosted two days training about Digital Security for Women’s in Arusha Tanzania with great support from Internews,Defend Defenders from Kampala Uganda and trainers Mr. Paschal Masalu Founder us Elimika Wikiendi and Badru Juma from YUNA Tanzania. . The objective of workshop where to empower women’s and girls to be aware and get knowledge about digital security skills 

In that training twenty (20) participants and Zaituni safe sister fellow in East Africa was a facilitator, stay together and learn several topic about digital security skills and practiced all skills acquired by using their devices also participant learn and practiced new tools like Signal Mobile app in their phone. 

Online Safety was one of the topic covered during the workshop, in this participant learn about hackers who, how and why people get hacked in online this was important because women are at high risk when they are online compared to men, so they get knowledge on password and password manager which will help them to stay safe online.

Also due to the fact that we are in digital world, most of people are using Internet and especially in social media like Facebook, Twitter and instagram which are common to everyone due to this participant trained how to secure their accounts and teach them ten rules of social media and how to use social media in a positive way.

They also get knowledge about two factor authentication which help users to know someone who try to inter/log to your account, Computer hygiene securing computer with antivirus and how to be protected while we are in internet, Mobile Safety this was important because most of internet users they use through their mobile devices.

Other topic where topics were encryptions, full disk encryption, vera crypt and mail velop this was important because they wanted to make sure participants have end to end encryption in their communication in email and chats.

Lastly participants were introduced about cyber law in Tanzania and how to avoid cyber bulling; the law was signed since 2015 and from the workshop it help participants to be more aware about cyber security and they are more safe.

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