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China imenyonga watu nane kwa tuhuma za kuhusika katika matukio matano tofauti ikiwemo ya Tian’anmen Square,Beijing.
The Chinese government recently executed eight Uighur Muslims for terrorism,and planning a major terrorist attack. We read from a Chinese reportEight terrorists have been executed with the approval of the Supreme People’s Court in Xinjiang, according to the publicity department of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Saturday.Their crimes involved five cases including the terrorist attack in the Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, the gun-seizing and police-assaulting case in Aksu, the illegal manufacturing of explosives and intentional killing case in Kashgar, and the establishment of terrorist organization, murder of government officials and incineration of checkpoint in Hotan.
Huseyin Guxur, Yusup Wherniyas and Yusup Ehmet had been sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life by court for organizing and leading terrorist organization and jeopardizing public security with dangerous means.
They masterminded the terrorist attack in the Tian’anmen Square of Beijing which killed 3 and injured 39 on Oct. 28 in 2013.
Rozi Eziz, also sentenced to death by court, was convicted of gun seizing and intentional killing of police officers. He committed the crime on June 28, 2013 in Wushi County of Aksu.
Abdusalam Elim had organized a terrorist gang with himself as the ring head since May 2011. The court found that Abdusalam Elim and others listened and watched religious extremist audio-visual materials and conducted illegal religious activities.
They raised funds for members to conduct physical training and manufacturing, storage and transportation of explosives devices.
He was sentenced to death and deprived of political right for life by court on charges of organizing and leading terrorist organization as well as illegal manufacturing, transportation and storage of explosives.
The court found that Memet Tohtiyusup had watched audio-visual materials on religious extremism, violence and terror since February 2013.
He killed an innocent civilian on April 18, 2013. He was sentenced to death and deprived of political rights for life by court for intentional killing.
Source: China Daily
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