Thursday, 2 April 2015

Get To Know How to Stop Watching Porn::PART ONE

If you're looking for ways to stop watching porn , you may be struggling with a porn addiction that is harming your physical and mental health, as well as eating up your time. If you want to learn how to enjoy life and stop obsessing over porn, read on for some tips in recovering.

Part 1 of 3: Learning You Have a Problem

  1. Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Admit that you spend too much time watching porn. Before you can stop watching porn on your computer, you have to be able to admit that this activity is taking up too many of your waking hours and having a negative effect on your emotional and physical well-being.[1]
    • Brainbuddy is a free app that can help you determine if your porn use is out of control.
    • Only you can know how much is too much, because there's no objective number of hours or times in a week that signals "Addiction." Learning to recognize the warnings signs and using your own judgment is important.
  2. Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    Recognize that you can't stop. It may be nearly impossible for the average person to stop watching porn right in the middle of a steamy scene, but if you wake up in the morning determined not to watch porn and absolutely can't go a day, or even a few hours, without watching porn, then you may be addicted. Wanting to stop and not being able to stop is a problem.
  3. Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Pay attention to your planning. If you find yourself thinking about porn whenever you're in class, during work, or even when you're hanging out with friends, and planning when to watch it, the situation is serious. It's okay to occasionally think of porn, but if you feel like you're always thinking about it when you're not near a computer, then you have a problem.
    • If you look at porn every single time you're on your personal computer, or if you have an urge to look at porn when you're on a public computer at a library, or on a friend's computer, then you have associated computers with porn. This means you'll need to learn to distinguish the two as you learn to heal.
  4. Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    Evaluate your relationship. Are your personal relationships suffering as a result of your relationship with porn? If you have trouble in the bedroom because you can only get aroused when you're watching porn, or if you'd rather be watching porn than hanging out with your latest crush, then you have a situation on your hands.
    • Remember that your porn addiction can be a sign of larger problems in your life, such as sex addiction or depression.
  5. Stop Watching Porn on Your Computer Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    Write down all the reasons why you want to quit. Instead of just trying to quit watching porn because you think it's embarrassing or socially unacceptable, you should dig deeper to find the reasons that watching porn has had an adverse effect on your life, and think about how stopping your activity can help improve your situation. Here are some great reasons to stop watching porn:
    • Because you want to return to having healthy, loving relationships with your friends, significant others, and family.
    • Because you want to be able to live in the moment instead of in front of your computer screen.
    • Because you don't want to be a slave to your addictions.
    • Because you're losing sleep, forgetting to eat, and feeling sick because of your problem.
    • Because you feel that you've lost your self-respect, your dignity, and your control over your own life.


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