Saturday 16 July 2022


By Dickson Mulashani

Freedom of the press or freedom of the media is the fundamental principle that communication and expression through various media, including printed and electronic media, especially published materials, should be considered a right to be exercised freely.

When the media cannot accurately tell the whole story, it’s impossible to achieve balanced, high quality journalism. In countries where the media are pressured to only report on things which align with the ideological or political framework: journalists are forced to self-censor. Some do not report the full story, while others choose to report on other, ‘safer’ topics instead.

While some brave journalists continue to report on topics regardless of censorship, and often risk fines, legal cases, prison sentences or violence.

A respect for freedom of expression is an essential element for a functioning and accurate media.

The ability of journalists to report freely on matters of public interest is a crucial indicator of democracy. A free press can inform citizens of their leaders’ successes or failures, convey the people’s needs and desires to government bodies, and provide a platform for the open exchange of information and ideas. When media freedom is restricted, these vital functions break down, leading to poor decision-making and harmful outcomes for leaders and citizens alike. A case of the arrest of two journalists in Arusha on 24th February 2022 in Arusha has raised eyebrows to the fact that despite efforts done by President Samia's regime towards creating a clear and safe room for journalist to work freely much more needs to be done.

Photo Credit Malunde Blog

While the threats to global media freedom are real and concerning in their own right, their impact on the state of democracy is what makes them truly dangerous. A free and independent media sector that can keep the population informed and hold leaders to account is as crucial for a strong and sustainable democracy as free and fair elections. 

According to Freedom House’s Freedom in the World data, media freedom has been deteriorating around the world over the past decade, with new forms of repression taking hold in open societies and authoritarian states alike. 

However, freedom of speech is being a primary right among the other rights that makes up the rights of freedom of expression should be reflected as long as one plays within the law, the government cannot interfere or restriction one’s expression or speech without giving adequate justification for such actions.

This brings a need to applaud the action taken by Tanzania government in improving media freedom. In a recent meeting with news editors, Tanzania's Minister for Information, Nape Nnauye, said that the government has lifted the ban on the Mseto, Mawio, Mwanahalisi, and Tanzania Daima newspapers. This is indeed an important decision, as freedom of media and expression in Tanzania which was deteriorating. Also, Nnauye told the editors at the February 10 meeting that the government is now ready to work with the media, the authorities need to do more to ensure freedom of media and expression in Tanzania. The authorities should start by reviewing repressive provisions in the Media Services Act, the Cybercrimes Act, and the Electronic and Postal (Online Content) Regulations, and protect journalists from physical attacks and arbitrary arrests.

Credit Clouds Digital

In addition to that the minister reinstated free-to-air (FTA) channels on all satellite broadcasters (pay tv) starting from the beginning of February 2022.

"We have succeeded in making adjustments to a number of principles to ensure that Tanzanians wherever they are have access to information, education and entertainment through various systems and networks without interference," said Nnauye  

Freedom of expression doesn’t begin or end with journalism. From academic study to political satire to fine art: freedom of expression underpins the right to analytical, critical and artistic engagement with the world around us.

Being able to think freely, discuss and debate ideas and points of view is integral to academic study – from the arts to the sciences. To develop ideas which help us better understand our past, present and future it’s essential that individuals, groups and institutions can put forward opinions, concepts and theories without fear of repercussions.

From stand-up comedy, and satirical cartoons to literature, theatre and the visual arts: freedom of expression is a cornerstone to creating a healthy and vibrant arts culture.

Experience has shown, however, that press freedom can rebound from even lengthy stints of repression when given the opportunity. The basic desire for democratic liberties, including access to honest and fact-based journalism, can never be extinguished, and it is never too late to renew the demand that these rights be granted in full.


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