Tuesday, 25 October 2022


Bananas are healthy, tasty and versatile, but who knew we should have three bananas daily to get all of their best health benefits? From relieving PMS to preventing heart disease, bananas can do more than we think. In many countries bananas are quite affordable so why not boost your health by eating three bananas each day? Here is why:

1. Boost heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death for all women around the world. The earlier you start caring for your heart health, the longer you will live. Bananas are plentiful in fiber, which is good for your heart. One medium banana contains 3.1 g of fiber as well as 1.3 g of protein and 422 mg of potassium. Eating three bananas every day will improve your heart health and reduce your risk of heart attack and coronary heart disease.

2. Feel happier during PMS

Bananas contain vitamin B6 that keeps your blood glucose levels in check, preventing mood swings. They can also help you combat symptoms of PMS, including those pesky cramps. If you cannot afford to eat three bananas each day, try eating them during your red weeks. Hopefully, you will feel better.

3. Control blood pressure

Gone are the days when only old people suffered from high blood pressure. Nowadays many girls have to deal with the blood pressure issues in their early 20s. Bananas are high potassium and low in sodium. Potassium helps control the effects of sodium on your body and improves your kidneys function. Consuming 1300 mg of potassium a day (that 3 bananas provide) is an all-natural way to reduce high blood pressure.

4. Prevent anemia

Anemia is not a rare problem among women. Anemia usually occurs because of a lack of iron in the body. Bananas are rich in iron that stimulates the production of new red blood cells. Bananas also contain vitamin B6 that helps to control blood sugar levels. The deficiency of this vitamin can result in a form of anemia that is very similar to iron-deficiency anemia.

5. Increase a magnesium intake

A woman needs 320 mg of magnesium per day to sleep well, have a great mood and a good health. Magnesium deficiency leads to irritability, chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, poor heart health, poor memory, muscle cramps and many other issues. Three bananas provide about 80 mg of magnesium, helping you feel your best each day.

6. Keep your digestive system healthy

Bananas are fortified with both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is a key nutrient for a healthy digestive system. It helps regulate the speed of the digestive process and restore normal bowel action, preventing constipation. Eating three bananas a day keeps your digestive system healthy and your waistline slim.

7. Improve brain function

As I mentioned above, bananas are loaded with potassium and magnesium, which are good for your brain too. The potassium helps deliver oxygen to your brain while magnesium improves electrical activities between brain nerve cells. Eating three bananas each day will help you keep your brain sharp, improve your focus and memory. They can also prevent or slow Alzheimer’s disease.
Bananas are always a smart addition to your breakfast and they make a healthy and tasty on-the-go snack. In fact, there are many ways to add those three bananas to your meal plan, and I am sure you already have your favorite ways to consume them. Let us know about them in the comments.

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